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For the purpose of this Rental Agreement, “All Celebrations LLC” shall mean

Rental Company, and its Employees; “Customer” shall mean Customer, Customer’s Guest/Visitors, its Agents and/or Employees. In consideration of the hiring of the rental item(s)/equipment described in the agreed upon invoice or estimate for this Rental Agreement, it is agreed as follows. All current balances must be paid upon the delivery day for your scheduled event or upon pick up of order. Failure to have the proper payment shall result in a non-delivery of your merchandise and a discontinuation of any event coordinating services listed on the

Rental Invoice or Event Planning Contract.


Payment/Reservation Terms: Customer or Customer’s representative, agent or principal shall be responsible for and shall pay All Celebrations LLC all charges due under this contract. If the rental charges are charged to someone other than the Customer, Customer represents that he or she is the agent of such party and has the right to charge this rental regardless and agrees to indemnify, defend, and holds All Celebrations LLC harmless for any claims of unlawful charges made for the rental. Customer shall remain liable for all charges and other obligations of the Customer under this contract. All reservations must be secured with a deposit of cash, check, or credit card totaling 50% of the total rental unless otherwise stated on Rental Invoice or Event Planning Contract. Customer agrees to pay rental charge when due. Any cancellations must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled delivery date of equipment, in order to receive a full refund on all deposits. Cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance shall be subject to no refund for any deposits submitted towards the rental agreement


Customer Pick-up: Responsibility of rental item(s)/equipment remains with Customer from the time loaded until the time returned. Loading, unloading, and securing the rental item(s)/equipment is the Customer’s sole responsibility. All Celebrations LLC shall not be held liable for any accidents or any type of damage done to any vehicle or rental item(s)/equipment due to improper loading/unloading. The Customer shall be subject to a replacement fee for any rental item(s)/equipment that is lost or severely damaged while in their possession. All item(s)/equipment have a preset replacement value, which can be disclosed to the Customer upon their request.


Receipt/Inspection of Rental Items(s)/Equipment: Item(s)/equipment are checked prior to release. Customer should inspect all item(s)/equipment before an event. Customer further acknowledges receipt of all rental item(s)/equipment listed on this Rental Agreement and that the rental item(s)/equipment are in good working order. If item(s)/equipment are not found to be in working order, All Celebrations LLC must be notified immediately for an exchange/refund. No refund shall be given due to defect/failure if Customer does not give ample notice prior to the event. Do not attempt to repair/disassemble item(s)/equipment. Charges shall apply for broken/altered item(s)/equipment.


Return of Rented Item(s)/Equipment: Title to the rented item(s)/equipment is and shall remain in All Celebrations LLC. Customer’s right to possess the rented item(s)/equipment terminates on the expiration of the rental period, unless an extension of the rental period is agreed to in writing by All Celebrations LLC. Upon expiration of the rental period, Customer shall return the item(s)/equipment to All Celebrations LLC during their regular business hours or, if delivery and pick up arrangements have been made, shall make the rented items available for pick up at the specified time by All Celebrations LLC. If Customer fails to do so, All Celebrations LLC may take any action it deems reasonable or necessary to enforce and protect its property interest, including exercising the right to enter the property and remove the item(s)/equipment, and All Celebrations LLC shall not be liable for any claims or actions in connection with such entry or removal. Failure to return the rented item(s)/equipment or the sale or concealment at the expiration of the rental period may result in criminal prosecution. Customer shall return the rented item(s)/equipment in the same condition as they were received, reasonable wear and tear accepted. All linens, chinaware, glassware, and flatware are to be returned dry and free of food particles. Customer shall pay an additional cleaning charge for rented item(s)/equipment returned dirty. Customer shall package rented item(s)/equipment, knock down tables and chairs, and assemble all rented item(s)/equipment in one area prior to pick up by All Celebrations LLC. The failure of Customer to do so shall result in an additional charge.


Damage Waiver Policy: All rental orders for equipment out shall be subject to a form of a security withheld deposit listed in the form of a damage waiver. The damage waiver amount shall be calculated based on a determined percentage of invoice for the equipment out. All Celebrations LLC shall refund the damage waiver to the Customer within 2 to 3 business days after deeming that all item(s)/equipment are accounted for and have not been severely damaged. All Celebrations LLC shall reserve the right to retain the damage waiver amount of invoice in the event All Celebrations LLC has determined that some of the item(s)/equipment is unaccounted for or has been seriously damaged. This provision of the rental agreement does not restrict nor protect the Customer from being fully obligated to reimburse All Celebrations LLC for missing/damaged item(s)/equipment that has been valued beyond the damaged waiver percentage of invoice. All Celebrations LLC shall retain the right to pursue further compensation for missing/damaged item(s)/equipment that has been determined by All Celebrations LLC to exceed the amount stated on the damage waiver portion of invoice.


Late Charges: Shall be applied at a daily rate for any item(s)/equipment which are not returned by the return date stated on the rental agreement.




Refund Policy: Each rental is for time out regardless if the item(s)/equipment were used or not. If item(s)/equipment are not found to be in working order, All Celebrations LLC must be notified immediately for an


Collection Costs: Customer shall pay all costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, collection fees and court costs, incurred by All Celebrations LLC in the collection of any charges due under this contract or the enforcement of any of the item(s)/equipment of this contract or remedies available to All Celebrations LLC by law.

Terms & Condtions of Rental Agreement 

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